Coworking Rates 共享工作間
We believe in simple and affordable infrastructure coworking space tailored for crafters. Below is an outline of pricing for our coworking space and facilities, please reach out at to see how The Crafties can help you make things happen.
The Crafties 具備完善的共享工作間設施及多種價格組合,讓你輕鬆體驗新的工作方式。歡迎電郵 ,了解最適合你的工作方案。

Hourly 每小時
use of space with or without machinery
Daily 每天
use of space
Monthly 每月
use of space for Crafters + STORAGE!
Work Desk ..................................... $80
includes the use of machinery and tools (booking required), office amenities, reference books
享用工作室空間..................................... $80
1.機器及工具使用 (需預約)
Work Desk ..................................... $120
includes the use of machinery & tools (booking required), office amenities, reference book
享用工作室空間 ...............................$120
1.機器及工具使用 (需預約)
Work Desk ..................................... $800
includes the use of machinery & tools (booking required), office amenities, reference book
享用工作室空間 .............................. $800
1.機器及工具使用 (需預約)
Extra Storage .................................. TBC
email us to know about the cost of extra storage space!
Run your workshop
non-exclusive use of our desk space
to run your workshops
Work Desk ..................................... $80
per person per hour
appointment required
$80 /時/人 (敬請預約)
Exclusive use of venue 場地租用
for your party, seminar, offsite meeting,
team building events etc
The crafties 提供舒適悠閒的環境氣氛及完善會議設施, 適合各單位以舉辦團體活動,研討會,會議及講座等。請電郵 了解詳情。
Terms & Condition
Prior to using The Crafties Machinery, users have to apply for a membership card. The card can be obtained with membership application (free) & one of the two ways below:
a) join a HKD 50 dollars User Accreditation Program to be trained in using our machinery.
b) if you have experience and knowledge in using our machinery, please contact our staff for exemption.
*Users are held responsible for any lose or damage of machinery and books. Replacement and repair policies of The Crafties will be followed when such cases arise.
*As the use of Rigid Heddle Weaving Loom & Beading Loom requires a longer time for your project completion, members can reserve the these tools for a maximum of 7 consecutive days. Extension could be arranged but upon recall, members must release the tools within 2 days.
* The Crafties reserves all rights on final decisions.